Wondering Which Hair Transplant Method Is Right For You?


A hair transplant in Indore is an effective procedure for genetic hair loss. However, many patients may come to the clinic with several doubts about the surgery.

Many patients have questions on the techniques that are usually used to treat male pattern baldness.

Therefore, we have decided to tell you about the two main techniques that are used to restore the bald scalp.

Commonly the hair loss experts use Follicular unit transplant and Follicular unit extraction while they perform the operation.

Let us talk about both approaches to make a fair comparison.

Difference between FUT and FUE

The way in which the donor hairs harvest is the main difference between these two procedures.

During the Follicular unit transplant, the surgeon removes a strip of hair-bearing scalp.

This strip is divided into single hair grafts, containing 1 to 4 hairs.

On the other hand, in follicular unit extraction, the surgeon, with the use of the latest technology, removes the hairs from the donor area directly.

Both procedures need full care and attention because the success of the treatment depends on the proper removal and insertion of the hair grafts.

Let us have a look at the advantages of both techniques to reach a final decision.

Advantages of FUE

In FUT, hairs are removed from the mid-part of the donor area. it means the patients are going to have the most abundant hairs to restore his bald scalp.

Therefore, this procedure is ideal for those who are looking for restoring a larger area of the scalp.

Experts say that FUE needs the patients to shave the back and sides of the head but this step is not required in strip surgery.

Comparatively, FUT surgery is faster than FUE because harvesting grafts from a strip is easier than removing single grafts from the donor area.

Moreover, FUT is considered as a cheap procedure when compared with follicular unit extraction.

Advantages of FUE:

FUT is known to cause scarring in the donor area whereas FUE is going to leave tiny dots that are hardly visible.

These tiny holes do not need extra time to heal. It means you may return to your daily works sooner.

If you have undergone the FUE technique, you have no need to wear a short haircut to conceal scarring on the donor site.

Tiny wounds left by this techniques are rarely visible.

FUE is ideal if you have to restore only a small area like the hairline or temporal region.


The final decision is always made by the hair transplant surgeon. He is going to check your candidacy and your expectations.

After proper diagnosis, he is going to think about whether you should get strip surgery or FUE technique.

Both techniques are capable of providing optimum results with some pros and cons.

Qualified surgeons know well to balance these positives and negatives of both techniques.

So, do not about the technique.

You just need to make sure your surgeon is well qualified and trained.

To have the treatment at a competitive hair transplant cost in Indore, just visit the Marmm Klinik.

Our experts are going to provide superior quality treatment.


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