Things You Should Know About Male Hair Loss


Hair loss affects both men and women. We call it male pattern baldness when it kills the hair follicles of male patients. The hair loss treatment with the help of home remedies or temporary treatments is rarely possible. Nowadays, experts recommend hair transplant surgery for a permanent solution of male pattern baldness.

Before you try to get proper treatment with the help of hair specialist in Indore, you must know about the 10 important things regarding male pattern hair loss.

Let us start!

Signs of male pattern baldness:

Hair loss has many types. Therefore, if you are experiencing hair loss, it does not always mean it is male pattern baldness. It is possible you are suffering from stress-related hair loss or it is just a seasonal impact.

If your hairline starts to recede with losing patches of hair from the temple and crown area, these signs signify the occurrence of male pattern baldness.

You can detect the problem correctly with the help of a hair doctor in Indore.

Male pattern baldness is caused by your genes and hormones:

In male patients, the most common reason for male pattern baldness is genetic. Due to the genetic effects, hormonal level fluctuates in the body and cause hair thinning and balding scalp.

Hair loss is also related to your diet:

Sometimes, your own diet is responsible for your hair loss. If your diet does not have enough nutrients that are essential for the health of hair, you will soon experience mild or severe hair loss.

So, whenever you observe hairs on your comb or pillow, try to improve your diet.

Common treatment approaches:

According to the condition of your scalp, the surgeon may use medicines or non-surgical treatment for hair loss. However, an entirely bald scalp needs a surgical treatment called hair transplant surgery.

Hair transplant techniques:

There are two main techniques called FUE and FUT that treats the male pattern baldness. With either of these two techniques, the surgeon is supposed to remove the hairs with the use of advanced tools.

Your own hairs provide a solution:

The hair that remains on the back and sides of the head are baldness resistant. The surgeons borrow these hairs and transplant them to the recipient areas. At the end of the surgery, you get a totally natural look with the help of your own real hairs.

You need a qualified doctor for treatment:

Not every surgeon can perform hair transplant surgery. You need a properly qualified and experienced surgeon with a specialized degree in hair transplant. If you do not choose a qualified doctor for your surgery, it is possible you do not get optimum results after the treatment.

Therefore, always rely on an authentic hair clinic in Indore for hair transplant surgery.

Finally, you must have prior information about the male pattern baldness and it treatment. Moreover, always look for a trusted hair clinic in Indore if you wish to obtain successful results after the surgery. 


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