How to Deal with Donor Shock Loss after a Hair Transplant


Hair transplant surgery is a safe surgical procedure for hair treatment. Some side effects like swelling, redness, brushing, and mild pain are usual after this procedure but with a well-qualified hair specialist in Indore, it is rare to see any major side effects.

In this blog, we will not talk about swelling or mild pain but we are going to talk about an interesting phenomenon called shock loss after hair transplant surgery.

However, shock loss is a rare case but it is possible to happen in the case of almost 5% of all hair loss patients.

Side effects after any surgical process are usual and they should not be treated as risks.

The same we can say about shock loss because it is not associated with any risk factor.

To understand it clearly, let us have a look at this phenomenon closely.

What is shock loss?

Generally, highly trained hair doctor in Indore complete the steps of hair transplant with ultimate accuracy and preciseness. Therefore, donor hairs are extracted from the donor area and inserted in the recipient area correctly.

However, it is not possible to stop every side effect to occur.

So, it is possible that the treated area experiences the complete loss of healthy hair just after the surgery.

This phenomenon is known as shock and it is likely to occur after hair transplant surgery.

This process is not a worrisome event because only the hair shafts are going to fall and hair roots are safe inside the scalp.

Shock loss occurs due to the response of the body to the stress it experienced during the surgery.


Do you need any step to take during the shock loss period?

As mentioned above, shock loss does not affect the hair roots inside the skin. Therefore, hairs are going to grow after some time.

Shock loss is not a permanent stage in most cases. Therefore, you just need to follow the instructions of the surgeon.

Do not panic, if the hairs are thin when they grow after the shock loss period.

Soon, the hairs are going to gain full strength and thickness.

Proper aftercare after hair loss treatment

Do not worry about the side effects like swelling, mild pain or shock loss and only concentrate on proper aftercare during the recovery period.

Hair growth is going to happen after a high-grade hair transplant surgery. your main responsibility is to take care of your hair properly.

Do not touch your hair again and again and do not try to scratch if you experience itching.

Keep the treated area clean by washing your hair thoroughly and take your medicines on time.

Shock loss is possible in your case but hair is going to be back after optimum strength again.

You have to wait for at least 6 to 12 months to see full results after the hair loss treatment.

However, do not forget to undergo the surgery with the the help of an authentic hair clinic in Indore.


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