How To Get Ideal Hair Density With Hair Transplant?


Hair transplants are very much significant for people suffering for excessive hair loss and baldness. If you are looking for a permanent solution for your hair problem then you need to take a quick consultation from a best hair clinic in Indore. Hair transplant in Indore is gaining a lot of popularity because of its effective results and advancement in treatment procedures. Also hair transplant cost in Indore is affordable and nowadays EMI options are also available for hair transplant procedures.

Now, many people have questions in their mind regarding how much density will be achieved with hair transplant surgery. Usually with hair transplant procedure, a density of 30-40 follicular units/square cm is achieved by a specialist hair transplant surgeon, and this density is considered as ideal hair density. But in case when a patient wants to get a high density hair transplant, then your surgeon will opt for 60-70 follicular units/square cm to assure high viability rates to their patients.


What Is The Procedure For High-Density Hair Transplants?


The FUT technique is usually used by cosmetic surgeon’s for high-density hair transplants. The reason behind this is that FUT technique is successful in employing a large number of hair grafts in a single session. In FUT procedure, the linear incision is followed by the extraction of the hair grafts. In this process, a strip containing several grafts is extracted and followed by the placement of the dissected grafts in the donor site of the scalp.

A good cosmetic surgeon performs the hair transplant surgery in a hygienic and safe environment. He follows the recommended standard guidelines to perform the surgery efficiently. Local anesthesia will be given to patients to numb the area so as minimum discomfort is caused to the patient.


Use Of High Magnifications

With the help of high magnifications, surgeon’s obtain maximum possible grafts necessary for hair transplant surgery. 


Which Grafts Are Favorable For High Density Hair Transplants?

For high density hair transplants, thick grafts are preferred by cosmetic surgeons. Through the magnification process, before the dissection process, most suitable hair grafts are identified. The thick hair grafts are considered because they are more suitable for covering the bald area and provide the aesthetically best results.


What Are The Mandatory Requirements For High-density Hair Transplants?

When someone goes to a surgeon for hair transplant, the surgeon first identifies that the person is an ideal candidate for hair transplant or not. Next comes the requirement of a healthy donor area. The donor area also needs to be free from any autoimmune disorder or infection.

Though the high density hair transplants can be performed by using FUE technique, but it is highly recommended to choose the combination of both the method i.e. FUE & FUT.



To get ideal density with hair transplant, it is very much important to search for a qualified and experienced surgeon, before settling down on the final choice. 


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