Using the donor area wisely in hair transplantation


The patients of hair loss generally go for hair transplant surgery for the treatment. Hair transplant in Indore is very effective in restoring the bald scalp. In fact, male pattern baldness or genetic hair loss is not treatable easily since the hair follicles affected by baldness never grow the hairs back. It means you have to live your life with a bald head forever.

However, with hair transplant surgery, it is possible to get the previous look of the bald areas once again.

In this procedure, the surgeon will pull out the donor hairs with the use of advanced tools and transplant the hairs to the recipient area.

Donor hairs are important for the results because these hairs grow only in the back and sides.

To get favorable results, the surgeon has to choose the hairs from the donor site wisely because this source of hair is not endless.

Can the surgeon afford wastage of donor hairs?

We have told you above that donor hairs are not countless. The area exists on the scalp in the form of a thin layer and the surgeon has to use this area cautiously.

The surgeon may need the hairs from donor site in the future to restore the new bald area if the male pattern progresses further to affect the scalp.

Therefore, the surgeon wants to use even a single hair graft with utmost care and responsibility.

The density of the donor area is important because the patient desire to restore the previous look of the scalp. Therefore, the surgeon lets you get the surgery only if your donor area is thick and dense.

How does the surgeon determine donor hair density

Actually, determining the density of the donor area is one of the main responsibilities of the surgeon.

The surgeon is going to examine the scalp and hair to get the idea of the thickness of the hair and most importantly, the number of hair grafts.

Generally, the donor area may grow 8000 to 10000 hair grafts.

These hairs are used by the surgeon while he performed either of the two hair transplant techniques called FUT and FUE.

Apart from the number and the density of the donor hairs, the surgeon also considers the degree of baldness and the bald area that needs a cover of donor hairs.

Hair follicular units and a single hair

While we are talking about the donor area and donor hairs, it is important to talk about the difference between a single hair and a hair graft.

A hair graft or follicular unit may consist of multiple hairs. A hair graft may have 1 to 4 hairs.

The surgeon uses hair grafts in single hairs to restore the hairline and the grafts with multiple hairs are used to cover other areas.

Therefore, when a surgeon talk about the required number of hairs, make sure he is talking about hair follicular units or just a single hair​​.

As you see, the use of donor area may change the outcomes of the surgery. Even the number of hair grafts is one of the common cost factors to determine the final hair transplant cost in Indore.

You can always visit an authentic hair loss clinic to talk about your surgery and the condition of your donor site. 


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