Perfect Age to Undergo Hair Transplant


Whenever the hair loss patient observes diffuse hair thinning or a receding hairline he just cannot wait to get the treatment. Such patients are usually keen to visit the hair loss clinic to get proper treatment and therefore, the surgeon always has to decide what the ideal age for hair transplant surgery is.

Sometimes the patient think he is too young for the hair transplant in Bhopal and sometimes he may feel too old to get the surgery.

So, we have to discuss whether the age is a considerable matter or not.

Is there really an ideal age?

Actually, if you ask a surgeon, he will say there is not ideal age for hair transplant surgery. A surgeon may perform a surgeon at any time if the donor supply is adequate and the person has no health issues.

So, technically a person may have his hair transplant at any age.

May you regret your decision?

So, after reading this conclusion you might feel free to contact the surgeon for hair transplant surgery but actually there is more for you to learn.

We understand you like to eliminate the symptoms at a younger age but for a surgeon, it is not easy to ignore the progressive nature of male pattern baldness.

So, he may feel worried about your look in the near future.

Certainly, you will lose more hairs in the future due to genetic hair loss and your scalp will form new bald areas.

Thus, it is sure after the surgery, male pattern baldness will continue to progress to create a larger baldness area.

In this case, you are going to look odd with uneven pattern of your hairs.

However, hair transplant at for younger patients also has some positives. For example, donor area will be more dense and thick for younger patients. Moreover, younger patients are expected to have good physical health in comparison of older patients.

But, the younger hair loss have to work with the surgeon on a long-term plan since it is possible they may need more hair transplant due to the progression of male pattern baldness.

Are you ever too young or too old for hair transplant?

The surgeon is going to consider the following factors before hair transplant surgery:

·       Availability of donor hairs

·       Density and thickness of donor hairs

·       Texture of the hairs

·       Progression of baldness

If these factors are in favor of the patient, the surgeon will give a green signal for the surgery.

If the patient is below 25, surgery is possible if he is able to get the essence of the plan made by the surgeon. If he is mature enough to understand pros and cons of surgical treatment, he may go ahead.

In the case of an older person, if he has a dense donor area and do not have any health issues, there is no reason he will not get the treatment successfully.

It is just another case if you require to pay extra hair transplant cost in Bhopal because of a larger bald area but old age is never hinders the treatment process. 


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