Hair Transplant: Problems Occur during Graft Placement

Hair transplant surgery is extremely effective in resolving hair loss problems forever. Generic hair loss or androgenic alopecia is a serious issue that kills the hair follicles to make the scalp entirely bald.    Once the scalp is totally bald, it is tough to bring the hairs back. However, hair loss treatment in Indore can be the best solution for hair loss. According to the experts of the Marmm Klinik,, hair transplant surgery is the only solution that can be used to treat hair loss permanently.
A hair transplant is surgical in nature. In this procedure, a hair transplant surgeon is supposed to remove the hairs from the back and sides. These areas are believed to be baldness resistant. Therefore, the hairs growing in these areas do not fall due to genetic hair loss.
After removing the hairs from the donor sites, the surgeon transplants the hair grafts to the balding areas.  
Placing the hair grafts is a critical step of hair transplant surgery. An inexperienced surgeon is usually failed to remove and implant the hair grafts and this incapability of hair loss surgeon leads to the failure of the surgery.
However, a reliable surgeon is fully capable of handling all the problems that he/she may face while placing the hair grafts.
Optimal depth:
Placing the graft correctly is not possible if the surgeon does not consider the depth of the hair follicles. If the grafts are inserted too deeply, the results will not natural and probably the surgeon needs to perform the surgery again. if the grafts are not optimally deep, they will permanently shed after the treatment.
Grafts Dehydration:
If the grafts are dehydrated, the chances of grafts survival are less. Grafts are dehydrated due to the dry air of the room. Smaller hair grafts are supposed to dehydrate more quickly than larger grafts.
Hair grafts may face physical trauma because of squeezing or crushing while the surgeon is trying to place them.
This problem takes place when the surgeon places another graft on the previous graft. It may happen due to limited visibility or incapability of the surgeon. The result of piggybacking may be epithelial inclusion cysts or ingrown hairs.
Missed sites or empty sites:
An inexperienced surgeon may leave a site empty. Therefore, checking the sites again is a normal step of the procedure.
Improper direction of angle of the grafts:
The angle of hairs for all the people are not the same since hairs grow at different angles. Therefore, the surgeon has to make sure the inserted hair follicles resemble the surrounding hairs in terms of angle or orientation.
These mistakes are common if the clinic is not authentic. However, capable and qualified surgeons place the grafts appropriately to ensure a certain success after the surgery.
You can visit the Marmm Klinik if you are looking for optimum results without any problem during or after the surgery. The surgeons of the clinic not only perform the surgery efficiently but they make sure your recovery period is also hassle-free. 


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