Foods that Prevents Hair Loss

If you are facing severe hair loss, it is not necessary you are facing genetic hair loss. It is true that genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss but there may be other reasons that are responsible to kill your hairs. In fact, whenever you observe excessive hair fall, you need proper hair loss treatment in Indore. It is quite possible your hair loss is temporary. You can prevent hair loss with the help of some lifestyle changes including dietary changes.
Hair loss may occur due to insufficient nutrient supply. Therefore, in this blog, we are going to tell you about 9 foods that you require to consume to prevent hair loss.
Let us start!

1. Carrots
It is obvious that carrots are rich in Vitamin A. This vitamin is not only vital for the eyes but scalp also get sufficient nourishment if you consume carrots. A health scalp means health hair roots along in terms of proper thickness and density.

2.  Peanuts
You may add peanuts or peanuts butter to your diet since it is a great source of biotin. It is well-known that biotin promotes hair growth and of course, prevents hair loss. Peanuts have protein and fibers to ensure good health of the hair roots.

3.  Spinach
Spinach contains iron, folate and magnesium and Vitamin B. This food with all these nutrients can be vital for the health of scalp and hair. Moreover, spinach also has vitamin C that works as an antioxidant to protect the cell membranes of hair follicles.

4. Pumpkin 
Pumpkin is full of vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. all these vitamins are vital for repairing the cells of hair follicles.

5. Green peas
Green peas are a common food that you may add easily to your diet. This super food contains various necessary vitamins along with minerals like iron, and zinc. All these nutrients ensure good health for hair follicles.

6. Oats
Oats have fiber along with zinc, iron and omega-6 fatty acids. All these nutrients are essential for healthy scalp and hair. Moreover, these essential nutrients promote hair growth.

7. Low fat dairy products
Low fat dairy products include skim milk and yogurt. These foods contain a large quantity of calcium that is an important mineral for hair growth. Dairy products also have casein and whey which are rich sources of protein.

8. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A that saves your hair from dullness. This food also has fibers to promote hair growth.

9.  Walnuts
Walnuts have omega-6 fatty acids in large quantity. They are also rich in, zinc, iron, B vitamins and protein. As you see, all these nutrients are necessary to ensure good hair growth.
So, you are now aware of these great foods to avoid hair loss. Use them to make sure you always have hair friendly diet.
Furthermore, if you think you are unable to control hair loss, you may always come to the Marmm klinik for the hair loss treatment in Indore. This clinic is well-equipped and always ready to treat the patients effectively.


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