Things You Should Avoid After a Hair Transplant


Hair transplant in Indore is a reliable and permanent solution for male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. Male pattern baldness is also called genetic hair loss since it is related to your genes and hormones.

Usually, medicines, home remedies and other non-surgical treatments are not enough to control this disease.

However, patients may go for hair transplant surgery due to its satisfactory results.

Result of the surgery not only depends on the skills of your surgeon but it depends on the hair loss patients as well. Actually, all the patients have to follow the instructions provided by the surgeon after the surgery.

During the aftercare period, you have to avoid certain things for a couple of weeks to make sure you see good results after the surgery.

We have made a list of 10 most common things that you must avoid.

Read and follow.

1. touching or pulling out transplanted hairs:

Your surgeon would not allow you to touch newly transplanted hairs. These hairs are tender and supposed to be damaged if you do not stop yourself from touching them unnecessarily. Touching the hairs may lead to itching or infection as well.

So, avoid touching your transplant hair.

2. Smoking and drinking:

If you smoke or drink, you have to leave these habits before the surgery and your surgeon will guide you to avoid them even after the surgery. Smoke or alcohol is known to prohibit the healing process after the surgery and it also affects the flow of blood in the scalp and hair roots.

Thus, say no to smoking and drinking.

3. Driving:

Often, sedatives are used during hair transplant surgery. Therefore, you must not drive your car for the next 24 hours. You need someone to help you to take your home after the treatment.

4. Coloring your hair

Dyeing your hair is also an activity you must avoid after the surgery, normally, dye is safe for you in daily life but after the surgery, your hair doctor in Indore will advise you to avoid hair colors since harsh chemicals may alter the results of hair transplant surgery.

5. Sleeping without elevating your head:

Swelling is a common side effect that occurs after the surgery. To reduce the effects of this symptom, you need to elevate your head while you sleep in your bed. You must do it for at least seven days.

6. Ignoring necessary medications:

Your surgeon prescribes certain medicines to reduce your pain and discomfort after the surgery and you need to take your medicine on time. If you avoid taking medicines properly, you will increase your problems in the future.

7. Not following rules for washing your hair:

You should not wash your hair for the first 48 hours after the treatment. you may wash your hair on the third day you may wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

8. Eating Fast Food:

Fast food is tasty but it has no nutrients. As you can understand, proper nutrition is important for proper healing after surgery. Your transplanted hair needs nourishment for proper growth. Therefore, have a nutrient-rich diet after the surgery.


9. Not drinking enough water:

Proper hydration is important before and after the hair transplant surgery. the more hydrated you are, the faster you will recover after the hair loss treatment. Thus, drink enough water and stay comfortable.

10. Going outside:

Sunshine is harmful to your transplanted hair. Therefore, you must avoid going outside to save your scalp from sunshine.

You can visit the Marmm Klinik if you need the assistance of a capable hair specialist in Indore. The trained team of the clinic is going to help you to diagnose and treat your problem very effectively. 


  1. Hair transplantation in Dubai industry prides itself on providing personalized treatments, ensuring each patient receives the most suitable and effective solution for their unique needs


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