Does Smoking Affect the Recovery After Hair Transplant?
The Marmm
Kliinik is an authentic place for hair
transplant in Indore. The experts of the clinic are not only efficient
in performing the surgery but they also ensure proper aftercare after the
surgery. In fact, the recovery period is extremely important to make sure the patient
will get optimum results.
That is why the
experts finish the surgery with proper medical advice regarding the protection
of scalp and hair after the surgery.
One of these
several instructions is to leave smoking after the hair transplant surgery.
smoking is a bad habit it is best if the patients leave smoking for a lifetime.
But, if it is not possible due to the extent of addiction, they have to leave
this habit before, during and even after the surgery.
people are extremely worried about the results after the hair loss treatment.
Those patients who follow the guidelines provided by the surgeon see optimum
results soon.
the other hand, a delayed re-growth shows that something is wrong with the
scalp or hair follicles.
you are a chain smoker and have had hair transplant surgery, leave this habit
at once to fasten the rate of scalp recovery.
is a well-known factor to affect the respiratory system but you probably do not
know that smoking may affect the results of hair transplant as well.
does smoking affect the patients after a hair transplant?
blood supply:
are full of nicotine that may harden the blood vessels. Moreover, it disturbs
the circulation of blood in the body. As a result, the supply of oxygen to the
body is considerably disturbed.
healing process:
face delayed recovery after a case of injury or surgical process. Clearly, open
wounds invite infection agents.
healing of scabbing:
is the usual sign after the surgery but if the patient is a smoker, scabs and
crust will not subside at the normal time.
smokers witness bleeding during the surgery and management of this problem can
be a headache for the surgeon.
is a possible culprit of hair thinning. It obviously means that hair re-growth
is going to be affected after the surgery as well.
should a patient do?
must avoid smoking for at least one week before and two weeks after the
surgery. However, for the best results, you should leave smoking months before.
In addition, leave smoking forever after the treatment in order to obtain food
Finally, if you are looking for proper guidance
on the hair transplant surgery, you have to come to the Marmm Klinik where the
experts perform every single procedure with the utmost care and proper
attention. If you are a chain smoker, you have to leave this habit before you
finally decide to undergo hair loss treatment.
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